Importance of 3D Animation Software
3D games are increasingly becoming popular. This has been made possible by changes in the software development technology. There has been a gradual shift from the 2D to the 3D technology. The 2D technology emphasizes more on the graphic's width and height while the 3D technology emphasizes on its depth, in addition to the width and height. The depth helps to create an illusion that is critical in producing images that are more realistic. Importance of 3D images 3D images are important in the film and cartoon industry. The technology is relied upon heavily to design 3-dimensional computer games. Some of the software is recommended for designing living beings while other software are ideal for creating objects like parks, buildings and cars. This makes it possible for films to capture scenes where vehicles are being blasted while the occupants are present. In real life, such a scene cannot be captured on camera. The software to help develop the scene often captures images of the ...